Ask Charlotte City Council to vote “NO” on the proposed City ordinance that would create non-discrimination laws on the basis of “marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression,”

This dangerous ordinance will impact the City of Charlotte negatively in four ways:
- Puts children and women in danger and violates their sense of privacy and security.
- The ordinance creates undue regulatory burdens on private businesses and unnecessarily exposes them to lawsuits and liability by requiring them to promote messages or ideas that are contrary to their religious beliefs.
- Requires the City of Charlotte to engage in impermissible discrimination on the basis of religion when it chooses businesses with which to contract and do business.
- Violates Article II, Section 24 (j) of the Constitution of the State of North Carolina, by creating a local non-discrimination ordinance regulating labor and trade.
Sign the Petition
Tell Charlotte City Council You Oppose the Ordinance:
Sign Here:
Sign the Petition and your email will immediately be delivered to Charlotte City Council. Give them a call this week as well and encourage them to oppose the ordinance.
- Mayor Dan Clodfelter (704) 336-2241 [email protected]
- Mayor Pro Tem Michael D. Barnes (704) 509-6141 [email protected]
- Claire Green Fallon (704) 336-6105 [email protected]
- David Howard (704) 336-4099 [email protected]
- Vi Lyles (704) 336-3431 [email protected]
- Patsy B. Kinsey (704) 336-3432 [email protected]
- Al Austin (704) 336-3185 [email protected]
- LaWana Mayfield (704) 336-3435 [email protected]
- Gregory A. Phipps (704) 336-3436 [email protected]
- John N. Autry (704) 336-2777 [email protected]
- Kenny Smith (704) 574-7241 [email protected]
- Edmund H. Driggs (704) 432-7077 [email protected]
REMEMBER to join us on March 2nd, at 4:00 pm outside of Charlotte Mecklenburg Gov’t Center, 600 E. Fourth Street, to show City Council that you oppose this ordinance.